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A return visit to Karachi earlier this year coincided with the launch of our urogynecology and pelvic floor surgery curriculum for residents and trainees as well as local physicians.

This introductory course occurred over a week and was very well attended.  In partnership with the faculty of Koohi Goth Women’s Hospital, this is one of several courses we’ll offer, bringing global and local expertise in the field to teach and provide hands-on training. We were honored to have Dr. Sherhah Syed, head of Koohi Goth and renowned women’s health advocate introduce and support our course.

In addition to the course, we were invited to tour one of the oldest maternity hospitals in the province of Sindh, the Sobhrag Maternity Hospital. The hospital was established in the 1920’s to serve the region’s impoverished families, a mission it carries on to this day.

We’re looking forward to a return visit later this year to continue our teaching curriculum for the next generation of vaginal and fistula surgeons.
